The Basics of Swahili
Swahili is spoken by approximately 140 million people, and it is East Africa's lingua franca. Swahili is the national language of three African countries, and it is spoken fluently in many others.

The Importance of Reusable Bags
It is estimated that, worldwide, 500 billion-1 trillion plastic bags are created/consumed every year. This number is possibly as large as 5 trillion. Only 0.5% of these bags are recycled. To combat the extreme plastic waste everyone is faced with, many people are turning to reusable bags.
Amharic: The Official Language of Ethiopia
Amharic is the national language of Ethiopia. Approximately 26 million Ethiopians speak Amharic, and about 7 million of those people can both read and write it.

The Journey From Steel Drum to Metal Art
The creation process of Haitian metal art is long, tedious, and completely worth it. With a hammer and chisel, metal artisans transform steel drums into beautiful and valuable works of art.

The Many Languages of India
India is home to over 400 languages, some ancient and some more modern. With over a billion citizens, India has 22 official languages with a vast range of usage rates. Each of he 10 most popular languages spoken India is spoken by more than 30 million people.
Healthcare in Developing Countries
Every year, approximately 10 million people die of easily curable or preventable diseases such as malaria or tuberculosis. There isn't enough access to proper healthcare in developing countries. That needs to change, and it has been and will continue to change with the help of charitable organizations and improved global awareness.

What Is a Livable Wage?
People need money to live and thrive. Across the world, there are established, regulated minimum wages, but are these wages enough? The simple answer is no. Vineworks combats this reality by paying 2-5X the minimum wage in the countries we work in.

The Abridged History of Macrame
Macrame has an intricate history - almost as intricate as macrame itself. Here's a brief history of where it came from and how it spread throughout the world and became the biggest fashion trend of a decade.

New Farmhouse Ceramic Mugs from Bat Trang, Vietnam
Vineworks is carrying new mugs! These beautiful mugs are made by vietnamese artisans from Bat Trang, an ancient ceramics village. They have a glossy finish and are glazed with colors representing land, water, and sky.

International Day of Monuments and Sites 2018
April 18th, 2018 is this year’s International Day of Monuments and Sites. The theme is Heritage for Generations. To celebrate this global holiday, here’s a list of the main monuments and sites of Haiti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Peru, India, the United States of America, and Myanmar.